Feeling secure
We have a close team that make everyone feel part of our family. Most of our staff have been with us for many years so children get to know them really well, creating a lovely bond.
Many of our staff are parents themselves, so they understand the concerns parents have when choosing childcare for their little ones. They also understand that children need to feel safe and secure when they are away from their families. We will give children a cuddle if they need one and reassure them that their families love them so will be returning soon.
Children will be allocated a Key Person to help them settle in. The Key Person will work with each child's family to find out about their child's likes, dislikes and their personal needs. This way we can plan activities that will interest them and help them feel at home with us.

Supporting Children
We focus on children's progress and development to assess if anyone needs more support from our team. We will help all children reach their full potential so they have the opportunity to learn essential skills for life.
We aim to identify any special educational needs early so we can put in place any support needed. We focus on the following areas (set out in The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice):
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health
Sensory and/or physical needs
If necessary children could receive further support from other professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists, Health Visitors, Educational Psychologists, Primary Mental Health Workers and Specialist.
Supporting Your Family
We will welcome all families into our setting. We aim to support all families in any way we can. This could be passing on parenting advice if needed and working together to support children's well being. We have information for families on many parenting subjects such as fussy eaters, toilet training, getting a good bedtime routine, etc.
Where English is an additional language, we do our best to support families and their children. We can use many ways to communicate and help children settle at our pre-school so they feel valued and supported. We work with EMAS (Ethnic Minority Achievement Service) to support bilingualism. EMAS is a team of specialist teachers, teaching assistants, bilingual liaison workers and home school liaison workers that help families that have English as an additional language.
We also encourage families to get involved in our pre-school. They can do this by volunteering some time to help during a session or by just reading a story to the children. Families can help out at fundraising events, or just doing some chores like washing up or doing some laundry. Families can also be involved in the running of our setting by joining our Committee.